Dear walleye enthusiasts, welcome to GiantEye.net
GiantEye is a walleye fishing guide service in The Netherlands. We provide fully furnished walleye fishing trips. GiantEye consists of two anglers who have been fishing walleye for more than 30 years. For more than 15 years we have been guiding foreign guests on walleye fishing trips in our beautiful Dutch waters. We will let you experience the wonderful walleye fishing in The Netherlands.
During their trips with our guests, we discovered the joy of transmitting our skills and knowledge of walleye fishing. It gave our guests an opportunity to improve their skills. Skills which our guests can use at home as well.
In The Netherlands, we are in a fortunate position to have lots of walleye waters. We have fished most of the lakes and rivers in the past 30 years. We caught fish up to 40” with a weight of 25 lbs. The average is between 19” and 27” with an average weight of 4 lbs to 10 lbs. Due to their skill and knowledge we try to achieve high catching rates. We can not promise you 40 walleyes per day in one boat, but it is no exception.